Kiteboarding Etiquette & Right of Way: Learn the Standards
We are still in the early stages of the kiteboarding revolution. It is important that we set the standard to be built upon so that future generations can enjoy this amazing sport. Kiteboarding/kitesurfing has been cast under the eye of scrutiny due to the fact that the media generally only shows the accidents and mishaps, as they do with all gravity sports. We need to make sure that the media and general public enjoy the presence of Kiteboarding/Kitesurfing on our local beaches and water ways. Although kiteboarding is the fastest growing water-sport, it is a small community and therefore weak in numbers. With this in mind, we need to be more proactive with our public relations than any other sporting community. Although some of these guidelines are hard to follow due to our sometimes narrow and crowded beaches, we must try!
Kiteboarding Right of Way
According to P.A.S.A. ("Professional Air Sports Association”)
* Outgoing Kiter has right of way over incoming Kiter.
* Downwind Kiter has right of way over upwind Kiter.
* While riding, when you have your right hand forward, you have the right of way.
* But don’t insist on your right of way- Not all kiters know the right of way or respect it. When in doubt yield! “lets inform people of the right of way”
When you notice a new face take a second to point out some of the unique hazards at our beach:
* powerful shore break
* strong current
* guarded areas
* If they set up away from kite beach invite them to kite beach
* The wind on the beach can feel like a lot less then there really is
We should also point out the positives:
* where nice waves are
* crystal clear water
* lots of sea turtles
Rules of the road:
* Lay out lines where they do not interfere with other beach users.
* Disable kite when on land ” leading edge into the wind and role up your lines” I notice many people becoming quite frustrated as they pass by and themselves or their animals trip. This it will protect your lines!
* Stay well away from guarded areas .” they only take up a small portion of the beach”
* Leave at least two – three line lengths of safety buffer. “I know this is a hard one to follow in our area”
* Launch downwind of surfers when they are present “I have seen many people lately so close to surfers that the spray hits them” How do you think this looks to spectators and the surfing community?
* When you see a kiter that seems to need assistance kindly offer it to them.
* Leave your spot in better shape then you find it!
Kiteboarding Etiquette
Setting up on the beach
laying your lines
launching and landing ... community